Historical Association of Tobyhanna Township

HATT | PO Box 2084 | Pocono Pines, PA 18350-2084

These local history books and materials are available for purchase through The Clymer Library,
in support of the library and local historical preservation efforts.
rick-boden@msn.com for mail order information.

Stacks Image 19
By Rick Bodenschatz | 2017 | Paperback 6x9 in | 76 pages with photographs, maps and illustrations
ISBN 978-164007584

$10 | Available at Clymer Library, 115 Firehouse Road, Pocono Pines, PA 18350
Mail order: rick-boden@msn.com | Add $4 for shipping
Sales benefit the Clymer Library

Sullivan Trail — the first road built over the Poconos and through Tobyhanna Township — was completed by the Continental Army in 1779, during General Sullivan’s expedition. In this first-ever account, we learn how the road was engineered and built through the Great Swamp of Tobyhanna Township, and the thick forests that did not see daylight. Original maps and records of the road-builders tell the story. While troops fought the elements, rattlesnakes and hunger, Sullivan Road was built in just one month.

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FIRST AT ARLINGTON: The William Christman Story, 2nd Ed.
By Rick Bodenschatz | 2018 | Paperback 6x9 in | 84 pages with photographs, maps and illustrations
ISBN 978-061599303-4

$10 | Available at Clymer Library, 115 Firehouse Road, Pocono Pines, PA 18350
Mail order:
rick-boden@msn.com Add $4 for shipping

In 1864, 20-year-old William Henry Christman left his family to fight for his country in the Civil War. As it was for so many, he died in service. But he was to gain, after death, a unique distinction: This young Tobyhanna Township man was the first soldier to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery. This book highlights Pvt. Christman’s family life, his military career, his death during the Civil War and his legacy. More than 30 photographs and illustrations, many in color, document this historical account of national significance and local community pride.

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