Historical Association of Tobyhanna Township

HATT | PO Box 2084 | Pocono Pines, PA 18350-2084

Faith Reformed Chapel

Little is known of the Faith Reformed Chapel’s full history. However, we are fortunate to have its photo and cornerstone, along with a short historical account of its origin. Read More...

Blakeslee United Methodist Church

The history of our Blakeslee community in general, and our Blakeslee Church in particular, date back well over a century and a half. The first settlers in the general vicinity of what is now Blakeslee arrived about 1800.Some of these original residents, as well as their descendants, were instrumental in the founding of the Blakeslee Methodist Church and many of their descendants are among the current members. Read More...

Congregation B’nai Harim

Congregation B’nai Harim is the first Reform Jewish congregation in the Poconos and was established in 1995 with a membership of eight families. Read More...

Faith Lutheran Church

As early as 1974 there was a group of Lutherans meeting in the Distelfink Bakery next door to plan a worshipping community in Blakeslee. The Pocono Area Leisure Ministry (PALM) Committee of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod was already providing Summer Workers in Arrowhead Lake and Locust Lake. On Labor Day weekend 1975, the first Lutheran worship service of the Blakeslee Mission was held in the Blakeslee United Methodist Church. Read More...

Locust Ridge Methodist Church

It has been claimed that Methodism existed in the Locust Ridge community since about 1830. Early services were conducted in a log school house located near a clump of wild plum trees now to be found along the road on “schoolhouse hill.” When this school was abandoned it is not known, but as far back as the Civil War days, church services were being held in a school which stood on the site of the present VanHorn house. Occasionally, great rallies were held out of doors which were the scenes of baptism, great preaching and inspiring singing. Read More...

Our Lady of the Lake/St. Maximilian Kolbe

Catholics from Pocono Pines and Pocono Lake had to travel to St. James Church in Tobyhanna to attend Mass until 1909, when St. Mary of The Mount was built in Mount Pocono. The resident population was small. However, by 1913 there were enough summer visitors to warrant a priest to say Mass at the Pines Assembly Pavilion in Pocono Pines. Read More...

Pocono Lake United Methodist Church

Many years ago in this beautiful part of the Pocono Mountains, a handful of people of abiding faith listened to their first Methodist sermon, the occasion being the funeral of a young child, son of Jonas Hay. The year was 1868 and the preacher was the Reverend D. Larch. The village at that time was known as Tomkinsville. Read More...

Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church

The Pocono Wesleyan Church began as tent meetings of the Pilgrim Holiness Church, which had a college in Allentown. They used to send speakers to Michael Argot’s farm. That started the Pilgrim Holiness Church in Pocono Lake in 1926. Read More...

Salem United Church of Christ

In 1882, a group of concerned citizens of Millertown held many meetings to plan for the construction of a church. After several months of hard work, permission was granted to build a church. Named The Reformed Church, it was built near the west bank of the Tunkhannock Creek. The first member of record was Isaac Stauffer who was greatly responsible for the organization of the church. The name of the church was later changed to Salem Reformed Church. Read More...

Stoddartsville Church

Located on the upper banks of the Lehigh River, the Stoddartsville Church was built by John Stoddart in 1820 and was open to all denominations. Stoddart, a Presbyterian, was responsible for the building of Stoddartsville straddling the river in Tobyhanna Township and Buck Township, Luzerne County. Read More...