Historical Association of Tobyhanna Township

HATT | PO Box 2084 | Pocono Pines, PA 18350-2084


Tobyhanna Township was settled by European immigrants in the early 1800s. By 1830, more than 200 residents populated the area. The basis of our history was formed by those early settlers.

The census information we have collected, starting in 1830, document our residents and shows the growth of Tobyhanna Township. Over the years, many generations have stayed in the area, while some have moved on to other states and countries.

This section has been assembled to assist those of you who are doing research and genealogy of families. It contains the burial lists of our cemeteries and censuses from 1830 through 1880.

And, if you are just starting to research and need help and suggestions for your genealogy project, there is a tutorial here to get you started.

Whether or not you are doing research, this information about the people of Tobyhanna Township is extremely interesting. So, take a trip through time.


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Blakeslee United Methodist Cemetery
5677 Route 115, Blakeslee
Find-a-Grave listings
Burial list

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Eschenbach Burial Ground

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Locust Ridge Methodist Cemetery

Mountain Rest Cemetery

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Pocono Lake Cemetery

Stoddartsville Cemetery