Philadelphia, April 7, 1864 Camp Cat valenter My dear Mother I this Morning thake the opertunitty to inform you ufue times thad I am well at this present time ant hope thad my ful lines will find you the same father I must tel you thad I like it very good we have enuph to eat and drink and mure we about want for the preasent time Father I Must tel you thad I want you to take good care of my close ant father I want you to write me weter you have thad note from Jacob Stoufer I want you to take them papers all out put them in My trunk ant keep them their til I com back father I want you to get thad deed for thad land ant get thad note from hiram hey and get thad money from Timathy Miller ant pay it on thad land but mind yo thad you get a good deed father I want you to write me how the gildren is wetor they ar well again father I haint know more for to write for this preasant time So good by for this time
from your dear Son William Henry Christman So please excuse my pour riting For I hapto write on my plait So I can’t write as good as I ate
Source: U.S. Pension Office June 25, 1881 Transcribed by Rosalind Jones