with GPS-equipped smartphones to check burial locals against burial records. (U.S. Army/J.D. Leipold)
December 28, 2011
Soldiers complete documentation of Arlington National Cemetery
By Sgt. Luisito Brooks
U.S. Army News Service
ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY, Va. (Army News Service) — Day or night, rain or shine, these men had a mission to complete.
Soldiers with Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), finished photographing and documenting the location of every tombstone, grave marker and cremation site in Arlington National Cemetery, Va., Dec. 23, 2011.
“We are calling ourselves Task Force Christman, after Private William Christman, who was the first soldier buried here,” said Maj. Nate Peterson, commander, Delta Company. "The primary purpose of this process is to establish an accountability of all remains in Arlington National Cemetery. The cemetery dates back to 1874 when the cemetery was run by Union soldiers who just had bad record keeping practices over the years. What we are doing is verifying what's on record and correcting anything that's not."
Peterson added the detailed information will be housed in a large electronic database. Over a period of a few months, the task force dedicated numerous hours to cover the more than 259,000 sites spread across 624 developed acres of the cemetery.
"Our unit walked over every inch of the cemetery taking pictures of the front and back of every tombstone. We also tagged every site with a GPS locater with its section and grave number," said Spc. Al Carney, an infantryman with Delta Co.
It was evident for Carney the importance of the completion of this task.
"What we are doing here is for the families of the fallen because it helps pay respect and keeps track of where they lay," said Carney.
Like Carney, the demeanor of every soldier involved in the documentation process was very focused and solemn.
"This mission is taken very seriously by the Army," said Peterson. "How we conduct ourselves as professionals in the military is the same attitude we carry here taking pictures."
With the process now over, Peterson said he is proud to have honored our nation's heroes in such an exceptional way.
"This is an unprecedented mission because it has never been done before and it probably will never be done again," said Peterson. "What we are doing is paying tribute to our fallen comrades."

Images of 219,619 headstones and 43,096 columbarium wall niches will be matched with digitized paper records
and compared for accuracy (U.S. Army photo / J.D. Leipold
August 31, 2011
Soldiers document Arlington headstones with smartphones
By J.D. Leipold
U.S. Army News Service
WASHINGTON (Army News Service) — Since early June, about 100 soldiers and volunteer students have spent their nights silently walking between the seemingly endless rows of marble at Arlington National Cemetery, stopping to crouch and clear the grass from the base of each headstone.
Then they step back, crouch again and snap photos with smartphones of the front and back of each headstone — 219,619 of them including the 726 new burials since the project began. They've also photographed 43,096 columbarium wall niches where urns filled with cremated remains rest.
Next they enter the section and grave numbers, the GPS latitude and longitude, how many are interred under one grave, and other information, then they double-check the information and email it in a package to a task force of specialists who begin the process of matching headstone information with digitized records that are then compared for accuracy.
The photo documentation is just the first step in the cemetery's efforts to correct issues on grave identification, said cemetery officials. The problems had come to light over a year ago when it was discovered that the cemetery was operating on an antiquated accountability system that often meant interred remains were not where they were supposed to be.
As the soldiers have been capturing images of the headstones, the cemetery is also digitally mapping the cemetery through aerial photography which will add an additional layer of accountability and will eventually provide the added benefit of enabling the public to locate and view the gravesites of loved ones over the internet.
Much of the documentation work on the ground has been accomplished by Delta Company Soldiers of the 3rd U.S. Infantry, known as "The Old Guard," between 10 in the evening and 6 in the morning.
Capt. Nate Peterson, Delta company commander, said the reasons for working late night into early morning were partly to avoid the 100-degree-plus temperatures and humidity and because his soldiers could more aptly control the lighting in the evening. He noted his team was off the grounds by the time the first funeral was underway. An average of 27 funerals take place at the cemetery daily.
On this day, the soldiers were at the start of 15,000 reshoots. Sometimes the angle of the original photo submitted was key-stoned and/or blurry, or the marble was too reflective of the flash or the email didn't make it to the data collection center. Bottom line -- if the photos aren't perfect, they're photographed again, Peterson said, adding that his team would get creative if just for the perfect angle.
"President Taft's marker is really tall and they wanted to make sure they got a nice head-on shot, so one of the guys put another guy on his shoulders, backed up and took the picture," he said.
Spc. Matthew Caruso, who has been with the Old Guard for about two years, said taking the photos has been an honor: "It's a good feeling knowing that you're doing something for the families of the fallen and making sure in this particular case that we're helping to fix any discrepancies in the cemetery."
A side note in Caruso's case was that he just recently found out from his grandmother that his grandfather was in the columbarium.
"It was personally interesting to me because I have a fallen grandfather there that I never heard about until recently. My grandmother told me he was buried here, a World War II veteran, so I did some research and found out where he was," said Caruso.
Tuesday Soldiers were working section 33, one of the oldest areas that contain the graves of servicemembers who lived from the late 1800s into the early 1900s. Most were veterans of the Spanish-American War. While the job hasn't been particularly challenging for an infantryman because it's been so repetitive, Pfc. Nicholas Cress said he keeps in mind that the job is "definitely not difficult compared to what most of these people had to go through."
For Pfc. Chris Bodell working through the dark nights has given him pause to think about the people reflected by the headstones.
"It's kind of a weird feeling looking at all of those who have come before me, wondering what they did in their careers," he said. "Looking at the graves, taking pictures to help document the people who fought in the Civil War and those who have died in the current conflicts -- this is all so much bigger than just myself."