Historical Association of Tobyhanna Township

HATT | PO Box 2084 | Pocono Pines, PA 18350-2084

May 11, 2011



May 11, 2011
Clymer Library, 115 Firehouse Road, Pocono Pines, Pa.

Speaker: Russ Cramer: Native American Archeology
Attendance: 71 members and guests.

President Freddie Kaltenthaler, called the meeting to order at 10:20 a.m.

New Business

The president called attention to the upcoming association event “Sisters of Swing” at the Shawnee Playhouse. Schedule cards were distributed to all attendees, prepared by Rick Bodenschantz.

In order to allow for adequate time for the morning’s program, President Kaltenthaler requested a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and the treasurer’s report, which will be entered into the records. The motion was made and carried.

Speaker | Russ Cramer – Native American Archeology

The president then introduced Mr. Russ Cramer, who has had a lifelong interest in the archeological history of the region. He presented a history of 11,000 years of Native American history and culture divided into three periods: the Paleo, early period; Arcane the middle, and Neo to the present. His 11-year-old granddaughter, Nell Fassa, ably assisted him.

Information from the internationally famous Shawnee-Minisink archeological site along the Delaware River was used to develop a chronology of three distinct cultural periods of local Indian history and the evolution and adaptation of tools and weapons the inhabitants made to survive in a changing world.

He displayed some of his extensive collection of artifacts, challenging attendees to identify the use of 18 items. Russ attributed his increasing interest to Don Cline, noted Indian archeologist from Portland who spent time in the site located at the convergence of the Delaware River and Brodhead Creek.

Using a Power Point presentation, Russ showed the site and the painstaking dig to unearth artifacts and date identification depending on the level of the finds.

He described the way in which tribes migrated into North America from Asia via a land bridge. In the Paleo period, Clovis tribes migration can be traced by the findings of the unique points of Jasper flint of their hunting weapons. The findings of fire hearths at the site held abundant artifacts and in which could be found the kinds of seeds used by the inhabitants.

Following Russ’ description, Nell demonstrated the use of various weapons and tools. Several interesting items were also passed through the audience.


Following a question and answer period, President Katenthaler adjourned the meeting and invited all to enjoy refreshments and spend time viewing the artifacts on display.
Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Foy, Secretary